
Grammar Checkers for Writing Assignments in Math Classes

For the past few years there has been lots of talk about including writing assignments in college math courses. Writing assignments have been part of my teaching for many years now, including calculus labs, QL classes, MathCEP professional problems, and the much feared UMTYMP Calc 3 project. Writing in math classes is tremendously valuable because it is the one of the […]

Reflections on the IMA Modeling Camp

I had the opportunity to help with this years IMA/MathCEP mathematical modeling camp a few weeks ago and wanted to share my thoughts on it. Daniel Schulthies organized the camp and followed the SIAM modeling guide fairly closely. We picked modeling topics which were local, current, and which there was enough data about. We did a cursory search […]

Surface Pro vs iPad

Recently I’ve been working with MCFAM to create supplementary online learning materials for probability. Tons of people take probability and need to learn it for professional exams, and we’d like to serve our U of M students and the wider community even better. Along the way I’ve been looking at ways to create this content. I’ve […]

Desmos: a really fancy calculator, but much more

The Twittersphere recently made me aware of Desmos, a really fancy online graphing calculator. Fortunately, I was not introduced to it as such: I found it through a blog by a math teacher that now and then features a “maths gems” post — little tidbits of interest to mathy people and math teachers. The gems post that […]

The flipped classroom: reports from the field

For those of us in academia, the fall semester is wrapping up. It’s a time when we reflect on the success or lack thereof in our fall classes, because it’s almost over, the final is coming, and we either feel pretty happy, totally depressed, or a sense of oncoming dread. These correspond to the feelings […]

Lightweight math apps

Something I’ve seen more and more of lately is very lightweight apps that deal with algebra or other K-12 math topics. Last night I met the creator of Algebra Touch, Sean Berry. Algebra Touch is a pretty app that lets you play with algebra expressions: you can simplify, add, divide, factor, and more with a touch […]

Consumption and creation, K-12 discussion

2012 post encouraging creation on an iPad Broadening the discussion to task complexity and duration A forum discussion with some student views. Notice that they talk about music, movies, papers, pictures. Spreadsheets come up as not so good on an iPad. Math is not discussed. Are iPads only good for arty applications? An example of teachers […]

iPads in my neighborhood

All the somewhat abstract discussion of ed tech have come home, to my own school district of St Paul, MN. I grew up in the Saint Paul schools and the superintendent, Valeria Silva, was one of my teachers at the spanish immersion school I attended for the first four years of my public education. Back […]