
The flipped classroom: reports from the field

For those of us in academia, the fall semester is wrapping up. It’s a time when we reflect on the success or lack thereof in our fall classes, because it’s almost over, the final is coming, and we either feel pretty happy, totally depressed, or a sense of oncoming dread. These correspond to the feelings […]

Math online: links to textbooks and resources

I almost forgot to mention another set of conversations I had at the Joint Math Meetings, about open textbooks. Textbook prices are a real factor in the affordability of college; since in college I paid for textbooks through money I earned waiting tables I certainly paid attention to options cheaper than buying new. I still […]

MOOC panel in Baltimore

I’m at the Joint Math Meetings in Baltimore, Maryland, and attended the panel “Online courses: benefits and pitfalls” organized by Patricia Hersh and Dan Abramovich. It was moderated by Abigail Thompson from UC Davis, and included panelists from a variety of institutions: Robert Ghrist from University of Pennsylvania, whose MOOC on calculus has been called […]

MOOCs in the media

The media has finally figured out that MOOCs may not be the salvation of America’s higher educational system. I congratulate them. For a somewhat nuanced piece of discussion, read Keith Devlin’s piece in the Huffington Post. I think Professor Devlin argues too much from anecdote in providing a few emails from students thrilled to be […]